Are you struggling with your finances right now? Do you have too much time at the end of your paycheck instead of the other way around? If you are searching and searching for some money making tips to help out, look no further! There are so many ways that you can earn money these days. Technology has made earning extra cash much easier than it used to be.
I have compiled this list of money making tips that can help you boost your income, pad your savings, pay off bills or buy something extra! We all have various reasons to want to earn extra money, and this list of money making tips can help you do just that.
Use These Money Making Tips to Get Your Budget in Check
Do you feel like you have too much clutter around your house? Clearing out the clutter in your house will not only help you feel better and spend less time cleaning, however you can turn that clutter into some extra cash. I recommend starting in one room. For example, the master bedroom. Clean out all the drawers, the closets, anything that is still in decent shape that you won’t use or haven’t touched in a long time post it on the Facebook Marketplace to earn some extra cash from getting rid of your clutter. Also, don’t forget the bathrooms, pantry and places that you wouldn’t usually think of. You don’t have to do it all at one time. Make a small goal of 15 minutes a day twice a week. Soon you will have a little more cash in your pocket and a more organized house, it will feel great!
Want to get paid while you watch a movie in a theater? Movie Theaters do market research on what their customers want to see and how their movie watching experiences are. All you need to do is sign up to be a theater secret shopper. If you want to be a secret shopper, you may fill out an application form with Market Force Information. You won’t bring in a ton of extra cash with this, but you will get to earn some extra cash while watching a free movie! And, you can’t complain about that!
Did you know that there are apps that you can download to help you earn money from your regular shopping habits? They can help you get some extra cash back from your usual expenses so it’s like free money in your pocket for just a little effort.
- Shopkick App: you can earn points for visiting participating retailers and having the Shopkick App open when you walk in the store. You can also scan products while you are in store and redeem them points for gift cards.
- Ibotta App: you can earn money back from your online and grocery purchases, you can redeem this for gift cards or transfer it straight back to your bank account.
- Checkout51: is another grocery rebate app that allows you to earn cash back from your grocery purchases. The rebates are uploaded every Thursday at noon and expire every Wednesday at midnight. The payout is a $20 minimum through Paypal or check
- Savingstar: Clip the Digital Coupons right from your phone to use at the store when you link up your store loyalty cards. The money is added to your account in 2 – 30 days. Once you get $5 in your account you can deposit into your bank account, PayPal transfer, or Amazon gift card.
Have a Circut machine? If so, a quick search through Pinterest or Etsy and you’ll find dozens of creators who have put their Cricut machine to work. And you can do the same. It doesn’t take much to get started if you already have the machine. You don’t have to sell physical items, though that is a possibility if you want to try it on the Facebook market place. You could also sell patterns. This can help you earn a little extra income while making use of a machine that you already have.
If you have some extra time you can do mystery shopping. Many different types of stores bring in mystery shoppers to test their customer’s experiences. There is one important fact that I want you to know about mystery shopping though. You should never pay anyone to become a mystery shopper. If someone asks you to pay, don’t walk but run the other way. Here are a few companies that I know are legit.
Do you have an extra room in your house? If so, you could list your house on Air B&B and allow someone to stay at your home. This can allow you to bring in some extra income while not doing much but cleaning the room in between guests. The amount you earn is really up to you and how often you want to allow guests to stay with you.
Are you interested in possibly starting a home based business to bring in even more income? If so, I would recommend looking into Amazon FBA. I think this is one of the harder and more time consuming ways to make more money however, if you have the time and energy to put into this you can earn a sizable amount. I would just recommend doing a search and learning all that you can before you start.