Laundry Roundup 1/12- 1/18 January 13, 2020 by Deal Mama 4 Comments Here’s a round-up of the current advertised Laundry Deals! Be sure to bookmark this page. It will be updated each week! [%printable-list:LaundryRoundup0112-0118%]
Niquita Warren says January 14, 2020 at 2:27 am The laundry deal isn’t showing.. only the paper, Pampers and pull up Reply
Miranda says January 14, 2020 at 7:03 am This is showing the paper deals and not the laundry deals! Reply
The laundry deal isn’t showing.. only the paper, Pampers and pull up
Thank you! I fixed it.
This is showing the paper deals and not the laundry deals!
Thank you! I fixed it.