How CUTE are these Chocolate Princess Heels?
Yes, I realize I am a mom of BOYS, but I just love this idea. You can serve these on their own, garnish cupcakes and cookies and so much more. They are a perfect addition to any princess party, and they are completely edible and delicious! They are super easy to make, and you can change up the color to match any party theme!
Supplies Needed:
• Bright White Candy Melts
• Wilton Gold Color Mist Food Color Spray
• Decorating Pearls
Other Supplies Needed:
• Microwave Safe Cup or Bowl
• Spoon
• Wax or Parchment Paper
• Candy Stick or Bamboo Skewer
- Place the candy melts into your microwave safe cup or bowl. 1/3 of the bag will be enough to complete one batch.
- Melt your candy melts in 30 second increments in the microwave. Stir and repeat until the chocolate is melted. Be careful not to burn.
- Use a spoon to fill each high heel cavity. To get a nice smooth surface gently pick up and tap the mold against the counter. This will also remove any air bubbles.
- Refrigerate for 1 hour to allow chocolate to harden.
- Once hardened, gently flip the mold over and the chocolate high heels should fall right out of the mold.
- If there is extra chocolate on the outside of the heels, you can clean it up by using a small pairing knife and gently cut off the excess chocolate. It’s very easy to do.
- Lay a piece of wax or parchment paper down onto a cookie sheet or the counter.
- Spray the pieces of chocolate with light bursts of the food color spray. Make sure you hold the can at least 6 inches away when spraying.
- Allow the high heels to dry completely (about 30 minutes) and spray any areas that need to be touched-up. Again allowing to dry before the next step.
- Melt a few more candy melts in the microwave (you can also remelt any leftovers from step 2).
- Use a candy or bamboo stick to place a small dot of the melted chocolate onto the high heel. Then place a decorating pearl on top of that melted chocolate. The chocolate serves as your “glue” and will hold the pearl in place.
- Serve and enjoy!