Meal Planning is a GREAT way to save money on your grocery bill. Shop what’s on sale and in season, and plan your meals around those items. It’s a simple idea, but not always simple to pull together on your own.
- Do you want a home-cooked meal every night that your family will LOVE?
- Do you want to spend less time stressing about meals & more time enjoying them?
- How about all this and cut your food budget each month?
If you answered YES to these questions, be sure to check out the $5 Meal Plan!
The $5 Meal Plan is brand new, and was co-founded by my friend Erin of $5 Dinners. Many of you have been enjoying her Costco Meal Plans, Sam’s Meal Plans… and her assortment of Cookbooks. Not only do her recipes taste great, they’re easy to follow… and they are FRUGAL!
What is the $5 Meal Plan?
The $5 Meal Plan is a weekly meal plan and grocery shopping list that includes your week’s meals and what you need to buy at the grocery store. The meal plan tells you what and how to make each meal, while the shopping list makes your trip to the store as fast and easy as possible. There’s even a Gluten Free plan!
How does it help save money?
The secret to saving money on meals is smart and creative meal planning. Each meal will cost under $5 per person to prepare, and often times much less. The recipes are budget friendly, and use only in-season produce ingredients.
Get it for Only $5 Per Month – Or TRY IT FOR FREE!
For a limited time, you can try the $5 Meal Plan for FREE! Get 4 weeks for FREE to see if it’s something that fits your family. No credit card required, no strings!
Find our more about the $5 Meal Plan HERE!